Online Class App in Betul


What is Online Class App?

Online Class and Exam Application in Betul

Helping teachers to convert their offline lectures to digital lectures. Post your video lectures/PDFs notes etc online for students to view multiple times.

Need for Online Class and Exam Application

Why Online Class App?

Provide an effective virtual learning experience to your learners. This app helps you build successful digital learning environment by surpassing all the barriers such as space and time. It perfectly places communicative foundation between you and the students during distance learning.

This app allows the teachers to create an online tutoring platform where the students can enroll, and they register for the specific courses. Furthermore, it allows you to provide your lecture, distribute course materials from anywhere at any time.

Key Features

  • Supportive of Various Types of Content: You can provide your learners with course material in various formats such as video lectures, PDF, word files etc.
  • Organize Content in a Better Form: The app allows you to organize your lectures by its titles or chapter names.
  • Restricts Viewing of Lectures to Strangers: Only the subscribed students can view the lectures.
  • Free or Paid Courses: You can offer some free lectures as sample lectures before learners enroll for the paid course.
  • Content Library: A little extra knowledge is of no harm. You can provide with daily quotes or event information.
  • No One Capture Screenshot: When learning you can disallow to capture screenshot so that your data is preserved.
Online Class App

What's in Online Class and Exam App?

Online Class and Exam Application Features

We know what you are looking for, so we have listed some application features which can provide you with a better view of Online Class and Exam app.
With every Online Class and Exam app you will receive 2 basic modules:

  1. Customer App
  2. Admin Panel

Other modules such as salesman app, or vendor panel can be customized based on your requirements.

 Easy Onboarding

Easy onboarding of customers i.e. the customers can easily register and login to your Class & Course app without any fuss.

 Course and Class

Class are listed in wide range of Course, so that users can find their desired Course with easy navigations.

 Demo Lookup

A Demo option where users can easily Check demo lectures for Class.

 Shopping Cart

Users can easily add Course to their shopping carts which they will carry (virtually) through their shopping process.


Notify users of their order status such as confirmation using SMS services.

 Ads segment

Display ads related to new launch of Class, offers, discounts etc.

Online Class and Exam App
 Vouchers & Offer Codes

Users can also use vouchers or offer codes at the time of checkout which can get then discounted prices.

 Multilingual Support

Let customer personalize the app by using his native language, making it easy to understand and interact.

 Multiple Payment Options

At the checkout, the customers have various options of payment methods such as online payments- debit card, credit card, cash on delivery.

 Rating & Wishlist

With a few taps the user can leave a review or rate the Class after its purchase.

 Class, Course and exam Details

Let users maintain the profile and check there performance in exam from time to time and many more.


Use Banners to appeal users, which also helps in make the app extraordinary and interactive.

 Live Dashboard

Interactive dashboard for managing orders and other information.

 Manage Class & Course

Create different Class to add Course in it. Also you can manage different Exam available in your Course.

 Course or Class Listing

Display Course and Class in app according to best sellers or latest Course, or featured Course.


Different types of reports are generated such as sale report, payment report, order invoice report etc.

Online class and Exam  App - Admin Panel Features
 Teacher Management

Creating and granting access to Teacher who can list their Class and cources video in the app.

 Track Sutudent active Course

Manage orders such as order confirmation. Get complete order reports till date.

 Banner and Ads

Create banners or ads to display in app and display them according to time period.

 Customer Information

Customer data is saved whenever a users registers. Admin can access the data whenever needed.


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